Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ceylonica | Just 2000/= for Two EADS 3 60 000+ List.

We have 360 000+ carefully selected email addresses.  150 000+ corporate email addresses and about  210 000+ individuals as at 12/02/15  85% of them subscribed us about 3 years ago and  still they keep reading our mails.   We formulated this offer to introduce our service to  public to increase the usage of e-mail marketing  services in Sri Lanka. Our offer includes two Email Ads  for 2000/= for 360 000+ Contacts. Valid until 20/02/15 only.

Ceylonica | Just 2000/= for Two EADS 3 60 000+ List.

We have 360 000+ carefully selected email addresses. 150 000+ corporate email addresses and about 
210 000+ individuals as at 12/02/15
85% of them subscribed us about 3 years ago and still they keep reading our mails. 
We formulated this offer to introduce our service to public to increase the usage of e-mail marketing 
services in Sri Lanka. Our offer includes two Email Ads for 2000/= for 360 000+ Contacts. Valid until 20/02/15 only. 

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