Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Jasteca | Enhance Leadership Skills through Effective Relationship Building.

Leading is a skill as well an art! Recent surveys have revealed that building ''strong and sustainable relationships'' is a key attribute of ''Good Leadership''. The Leaders who are capable of building ''strong relationships'' with their fellow staff and clients will be able to 'Interact and communicate better'', and lead more effectively and efficiently. This innovative seminar is designed to transform your staff in key leadership positions into effective leaders who can make a significant contribution to your organization.

Jasteca | Enhance Leadership Skills through Effective Relationship Building.

Leading is a skill as well an art! Recent surveys have revealed that building ''strong and sustainable relationships'' is a key attribute of ''Good Leadership''. The Leaders who are capable of building ''strong relationships'' with their fellow staff and clients will be able to 'Interact and communicate better'', and lead more effectively and efficiently. This innovative seminar is designed to transform your staff in key leadership positions into effective leaders who can make a significant contribution to your organization. 

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