Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jasteca | Establish a ''Lean Culture'' and transform your business.

To provide first-hand experience and learning to Lean Implementers / Leaders on how to create a ''LEAN CULTURE'', a conducive environment for effective problem solving through rapid PDCA cycles'' Enable participants get better understanding of their individual and collective leadership styles Help them to learn and apply ``LEAN THINKING PATTERNS'' to move toward a more effective leadership model, required to support LEAN TRANSFORMATION

Jasteca | Establish a ''Lean Culture'' and transform your business.

To provide first-hand experience and learning to Lean Implementers / Leaders on how to create a ''LEAN CULTURE'', a conducive environment for effective problem solving through rapid PDCA cycles'' Enable participants get better understanding of their individual and collective leadership styles Help them to learn and apply ``LEAN THINKING PATTERNS'' to move toward a more effective leadership model, required to support LEAN TRANSFORMATION

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